I just had a root canal today. To help celebrate, I'm sharing with you my half year list of favorite albums and songs. Thus far, I've found that it's been much more of a "song" year than an "album" year. Coming up with the below list of albums was rather difficult since there haven't been a standout crop of cohesive, straight front-to-back good albums. I will say that I have really enjoyed some of the singles and songs found on a number of the albums listed and not. Most likely the result of iTunes and the single song download phase we're in. I would like to note, that I reserve the right to completely change my mind about some of these, here, choices by year's end.
Enjoy - (Novocaine and Nitrous Not Included):
Artist - Album/SongALBUMS
1. Discovery - LP
2. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
3. White Rabbits - It's Frightening
4. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
5. Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs - It's Blitz!
6. Grizzley Bear - Veckatimest
7. Andrew Bird - Noble Beast
8. Woods - Song of Shame
9. Jarvis Cocker - Further Complications
10. J Dilla - Jay Stay Paid
1. Discovery - "So Insane"
2. Empire of the Sun - "Walking on a Dream"
3. Glasvegas - "Geraldine" (I know, technically this came out last year, but I didn't hear it till this year, so live with it).
4. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah's - "Zero"
5. Phoenix - "1901"
6. White Rabbits - "Lionesse" (The next best thing to Spoon)
7. Franz Ferdinand - "No You Girls"
8. Grizzley Bear - "Two Weeks"
9. Late Of the Pier - "Space and The Woods"
10. Dirty Projectors - "Two Doves" (The first in the pretty song portion of the list)
11. Andrew Bird - "Fitz & Dizzyspells" (The second)
12. Mono - "Follow the Map" (The third)
13. Matt & Kim - "Daylight" (A great little bouncy number. Nice to listen to while walking in the city)
14. Royksopp - "The Girl And the Robot"
15. Mos Def - "Supermagic"
16. Passion Pit - Moth Wings
17. The Bird and the Bee - "Love Letter to Japan" (sugary, syrupy, pop)
18. The Pains of Being Young At Heart - "Young Adult Fiction"
19. Handsome Furs - "Evangaline" (Makes me miss Wolf Parade)
20. Kurt Vile - "Freeway" (The Fourth and last of the pretty songs)
21. MSTRKRFT - "1000 Cigarettes"
22. Peaches - "Talk To Me"
23. The Dream - "Put It Down" (This song is really quite funny, not intentionally, I don't think)
24. Method Man and Redman - "Four Minutes To Lockdown"
25. Asher Roth - "Lark On My Go-Kart" (Yeah, it's frat-ty. He's probably not that good, but he's local and I like the beat)
There you have it. Hope everyone is doing well and is having a nice relaxing summer.